Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December Goals

Every month I like to set some goals that push me toward fufilling year-end goals, or to help with other aspects of life that I need to focus on.

December 2010 Goals:

1. Get RRSP to next level of $1500. (Unlikely to happen, but I'll never know if I don't try.)

2. Prepare all financial goals in writing for the year of 2011. I don't like waiting until the week between Christmas and New Year's to do this. Makes me feel rushed.

3. Get back on track with monthly spending plans, and tracking. (I need to keep a notebook of where all the money is going.)

4. Break down written goals into quarterly and monthly goals, so I have a plan for the entire year.

5. Prepare Debt Free Plan. Write out what we need to do to get rid of our debt in 18 months. (This is a lofty goal, but I know it can be done, if we tighten the belts a little more.)

6. Get passports for February vacation. Don't know where we're going, but as long as it's somewhere warm, I'm happy. We already have the money saved for this, so now we can focus on the vacation itself.

7. Have business stuff caught up to year end. There's lots to accomplish still, and I want to be as prepared as possible.

8. Go back to November goals and deal with whatever hasn't been dealt with yet. I had some things on my to do list that I never got around to. Time to stop procrastinating!

9. Enjoy the holidays with friends and family. December gets busy, and this one will be no exception. I plan on renewing some familial relationships, and I hope to be able to stay in contact throughout the year.

10. Get the baby blanket finished before the baby comes! It's a race now, which will come first? The baby or the blanket? Ha ha ha! I can't wait to meet my grandson.

Only 24 sleeps until the big holiday. Are you ready?

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