Friday, October 8, 2010


There is much in life to be thankful for. This holiday weekend is reserved for time with family and friends, giving thanks for the bounties we have been given, and of those yet to come. We spend time with family, having traditional thanksgiving meals, and spending time with loved ones.
I have never been one to give much thought to the meaning behind the holiday, or to spend much time reflecting on what I have to be grateful for. So I thought that I would list some of the things for which I am most thankful.

1. My hubby, soul-mate and love of my life is the best thing that ever happened to me. He allows me to be who I am, without regret or guilt, and loves me despite my faults. He encourages me to grow as a person, and loves me unconditionally.

2. My children are the greatest gifts I have ever been given. They make me laugh and they make me cry. They are my greastest assets and my best works of art. They help me to see joy in everything, and give me hope that the best is yet to come.

3. My health is something to be very thankful for, as I am able to work and earn a living to provide for the wonderful people mentioned above.

4. I am also thankful for my work. It enables me to help people at a vunerable point in their lives. It gives me a great sense of satisfaction that I am doing my life's work. I truly believe it is what I was meant to do with my life. Most people never know that type of satisfaction in their working world.

5. My support system contains some of the nicest people on earth. The larger family of ours and the friends we have have provided strength and inspiration when I have been in my darkest moments, and are invaluable to us. We are blessed to have them all.

6. To live in a country that provides so much for so many, is truly a great gift. We have so many great opportunities in our daily lives that others do not have.

7. I am thankful also for the gift of sight, the ability to read and the means to do so, just for the pleasure of it. I read so many books and magazines. They help me to expand my mind and my thoughts, and provide me with a sense of contentment that is beyond imagination.

I will spend time this weekend reflecting on the things I am most grateful for, and thinking of how to give back to greater the community in which I live and work.

I hope you all feel as blessed by the good things in life as I do.

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours.

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